Can you wing a blog too?
So this was one of my 3am ideas...
I've never been one for blogs in all honesty, especially mummy type blogs. They all seem too smug and perfect, there is always a witty mum, a handsome dad, a beautiful house, 2.4 children and usually a Labrador for good measure. Ok ok I'm generalising but I just mean the ones I have seen just haven't been ones I can relate to. At all. So here I am starting my own, at best someone can read it and relate to it and find it helpful, at worst it can be somewhere just for me to document all my rambling, messed up thoughts.
So about me. I'm a single parent to an amazing six year old boy, Jett. I've been a single parent for about four years and as hard as it's been (and trust me it's been hard) I wouldn't change it for the world because of how close it has made us. We're a proper little team and I love it. I also work part time, volunteer and I'm in my third year of a degree. So my life is crazy busy, my house is always a mess, I'm always tired, I never know what day it is and I'm permanently stressed out.
I know parenting is hard for everyone, there's no manual after all, especially when you have to balance it with work and other commitments which we all have. But being a single parent just makes it that much tougher. There's no extra helping hand when you have a mountain of washing and ironing to get through and just need someone to take the kids to the park for an hour or two, there's no one to back you up (listen to your mother young man), there's no one to vent to after a shitty day, if you're ill then you have to crack on with it because there is no one to take over, if you lose your job there's no other income coming in. You get the idea, not only is it hard, it's also lonely as hell at times.
It's not all doom and gloom though. These last four years have been a massive learning curve for me and I've honestly gained so much which sounds cheesy as hell but it's true. Being on my own has made me fiercely independent, a partner would be great but I am completely capable of holding all my shit down on my own. It made me realise I might want a relationship but I definitely don't need one. It's also made me more motivated and determined. Knowing Jett solely relies on me and looks up to me was what made me decide to go to university and work on getting a career. Before having Jett I was honestly quite happy just dossing about, I couldn't decide what I wanted to do and was not interested in even trying to figure it out. University has been hell times a million and I'm not going to miss it when it's over but to give it some credit it has helped me focus on what I really want to do with my life. A job that you don't completely despise is the dream right?
Ok so I've wittered on enough and I'm not sure how coherent it all is so I'll quit while I'm ahead. To sum up (thanks to uni I'm compelled to always write conclusions) being a single parent is seriously hard work, it feels never ending and the constant pressure is enough to drive me to alcoholism but it's also awesome and empowering and makes you realise how strong you can be.
FYI I've just read this back and I'm aware how often I say hell but I'm not going to edit it because I'm keeping it real
I've never been one for blogs in all honesty, especially mummy type blogs. They all seem too smug and perfect, there is always a witty mum, a handsome dad, a beautiful house, 2.4 children and usually a Labrador for good measure. Ok ok I'm generalising but I just mean the ones I have seen just haven't been ones I can relate to. At all. So here I am starting my own, at best someone can read it and relate to it and find it helpful, at worst it can be somewhere just for me to document all my rambling, messed up thoughts.
So about me. I'm a single parent to an amazing six year old boy, Jett. I've been a single parent for about four years and as hard as it's been (and trust me it's been hard) I wouldn't change it for the world because of how close it has made us. We're a proper little team and I love it. I also work part time, volunteer and I'm in my third year of a degree. So my life is crazy busy, my house is always a mess, I'm always tired, I never know what day it is and I'm permanently stressed out.
I know parenting is hard for everyone, there's no manual after all, especially when you have to balance it with work and other commitments which we all have. But being a single parent just makes it that much tougher. There's no extra helping hand when you have a mountain of washing and ironing to get through and just need someone to take the kids to the park for an hour or two, there's no one to back you up (listen to your mother young man), there's no one to vent to after a shitty day, if you're ill then you have to crack on with it because there is no one to take over, if you lose your job there's no other income coming in. You get the idea, not only is it hard, it's also lonely as hell at times.
It's not all doom and gloom though. These last four years have been a massive learning curve for me and I've honestly gained so much which sounds cheesy as hell but it's true. Being on my own has made me fiercely independent, a partner would be great but I am completely capable of holding all my shit down on my own. It made me realise I might want a relationship but I definitely don't need one. It's also made me more motivated and determined. Knowing Jett solely relies on me and looks up to me was what made me decide to go to university and work on getting a career. Before having Jett I was honestly quite happy just dossing about, I couldn't decide what I wanted to do and was not interested in even trying to figure it out. University has been hell times a million and I'm not going to miss it when it's over but to give it some credit it has helped me focus on what I really want to do with my life. A job that you don't completely despise is the dream right?
Ok so I've wittered on enough and I'm not sure how coherent it all is so I'll quit while I'm ahead. To sum up (thanks to uni I'm compelled to always write conclusions) being a single parent is seriously hard work, it feels never ending and the constant pressure is enough to drive me to alcoholism but it's also awesome and empowering and makes you realise how strong you can be.
FYI I've just read this back and I'm aware how often I say hell but I'm not going to edit it because I'm keeping it real
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